Lost Progress </3

Of course because I'm a dumb bitch I forgot to actually back up the files, so it inevitably corrupted and now i lost a whole lotta progress...

BUT :3 

This offers me a chance to start again knowing what i know now, plus i still have all the assets shrimp made still so its not that bad, just lost a bunch of events i spent ages on tho but meh, This is the time to offer suggestions on opening intro game thing, main story quests, village names, other shit you can think of :3 plus any features you would like to see. Since I have to remake all the events and maps, now is the perfect chance to help me structure this game ~b e c a u s e  i ' v e  n e v e r  d e v e l o p e d  a  g a m e  b e f o r e~


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Also side note, its a blessing in disguise, everything was so unorganised (asset wise) because im lazy with naming lmaoooooo, but now i can organise them and just make life easier for myself :3


Would it help if I send the you the copy I still have? :p

No thats alright ^^ I've learned a bit more than what i knew when i first started, so i can hopefully be more organised and make the game better by starting fresh :3